Jun 23, 2013

Baby Stuff: Burp Cloth, Nosefrida, and Buzzy

Flat Diaper Cloth
I inherited some flat diaper cloths from my sister-in-law and I must say, I'm a fan! I use them primarily as a burp cloth but, they're just great multi-purpose cloth. The ones I inherited doesn't have a label but if I were to guess, it's similar to these.

Nose Aspirator
The hospital gave us the standard blue nose bulb. They work ok but every time I use it on my baby, he would cry his eyes out. Until NoseFrida! I can't tell you how much I love this thing. First of all, it works better in sucking snot out than the bulb. Second, no more crying! In fact, I get giggles now from the bub. I got mine from Amazon.com but, I saw that Whole Foods carry them as well.

This is what I get for watching too much morning TV and talk shows... I totally got sucked into buying this gadget. It's supposed to help take the sting out of shots. Well, it didn't work at the bub's 4-month appointment, poor boy cried his eyes out! I'm not giving up though. I'll try it again at his next appointment.

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